Columbus Zoo and Aquarium - Shore Play Park
Beam Designs provides comprehensive landscape architectural and site planning design services to a wide variety of clients in both the public and private sectors. The firm strives for design excellence in a diverse array of projects that include urban plazas and streetscapes, recreational facilities, mixed-use developments, and a wide range of educational, corporate, and commercial campus design. Beam Designs offers a full range of services that help clients bring complex projects to realization from initial planning through site design and construction.
Patrick J. Beam began his career in 1976 as a staff landscape architect with Bassett Associates and became a principal in 1996. Upon retirement of the remaining partners at Bassett Associates, Patrick J. Beam started a new endeavor to continue his career in central Ohio.
Throughout our varied experience, we have been completely dedicated to the unique role of the design professional in working closely with clients to plan and implement complex site projects. We realize that to deal creatively with the social, economic, and physical forces that influence each design problem requires not only the skill and sensitivity of the consultant but also clear understanding of the client's development program, project goals, budget and maintenance considerations.
Beam Designs' completed work reflects a commitment to the creation of environments of the highest quality that respond to the particular needs of each client. Our projects illustrate the sensitive evaluation of natural landscape qualities and the skills required to create humanly scaled spaces that harmonize with their surroundings.