Longaberger Headquarters
Newark Ohio
Patrick J. Beam designed and executed this project as a Principal of Bassett Associates.
As a visitor leaves Newark for a twenty mile trip into Longaberger Country, the company’s big basket headquarters building emerges as a dominant landmark of the region. The identity of this building speaks to the creative and successful merchandising genius of Dave Longaberger. To make the most out of this identity, a concept for the landscape was developed to create the image of a picnic basket placed on a colorful tablecloth in a field of flowers. The site development features flowing lines of drives, walkways and broad sweeping beds of seasonal plant materials imitating the patterns of a colorful Longaberger designer fabric. Attractive views of the building from the Parkway were achieved by creating open space vistas diagonally across the lush lawns surrounding the building. Formal groves of Scarlet oaks line the natural brick walkways that divide the major parking lots and lead to intimately scaled plazas at the employee and visitor entrances. The entry plaza contains decorative pavers and an inlaid pattern representing the original Longaberger corporate logo. The color is provided in a constantly changing display of white, yellow and pink with an extensive palette of flowering shrubs including the perpetual sweep of pink provided by 1800 Almost Wild roses. Hundreds of daylilies provide a sparkling contrast to the deep green of the Japanese Yew. Additional accents of color are provided by ever-changing flowers ranging from early spring bulbs to the fall flowing mums. Extensive deciduous shrub beds and floral accents are encircled with defining sweeps of over 2300 evergreen shrubs. Informal groupings of shade and flowering trees throughout the site ensure a full range of vibrant fall colors. The Longaberger experience continues from the Home Office as you travel east along S.R. 16 corridor to Dresden. All Longaberger properties are identified by their trademark wood fence and manicured landscape features. The Longaberger Golf Course, the Homestead, and the Manufacturing Campus complete the Longaberger experience.